When you enter entries the SAME day... it puts em in a wierd order. So when you read this.. make sure you're reading em right. :P nah i dunno. but i don't know how to explain it either.
this is my early new years resolution. i'm going to start a new journal. but no more pointless entries. nope no more of that. they make for crappy reading and they take up too much fucking space.
so. in conclusion to that. this will go in effect as of.....now. :)
i was gonna post this email thing the one with the questions and shit but fuck it it's too long. i've noticed wheni get online i post too many entries. hmm
i'm thinking of making another journal, cause this one's full. it can't eat anymore. i want to make it friends only but i won't cause that'll be like noone and i'm too much of a whore to keep everything to myself