Title: Cardboard Kingdom
Pairing: Sergio Ramos / Fernando Torres
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Lies.
Notes: Starts off in the good old days and moves through the years quite quickly.
Feedback > life. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
we were friends and that's as far as it went )
Comments 37
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Please tell me you will have more fic for us soon??? :D
I can't make any promises as I'm a very slow writer, but I certainly plan to continue writing. :)
I hope you know that my feelings for you haven't changed. We were just keeping our secret. I wish you had come over like you said you would.
Oh, thank fuck.
Your characterization is amazing. This might be my favorite Fernando ever. He's so hard to figure out sometimes, and I think that makes him seem aloof or arrogant, but I love that you sort of explain him and make him seem so real.
Also, this is the probably the most perfect description of Sergio: He's the one who picks people up from clubs, powder under their noses and a combination of sweat and semen and alcohol on their skin, in the middle of the night and says, "I'll come back in the morning to check up on you" rather than "You're an idiot."
Anyway, yeah, I love this.
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