Those of you who know me know that my family is made up of a large tribe of women. Well, yesterday, at 12:09 pm, our tribe welcomed our first male Amazon
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Today my AJ is four years old. I think about how much we struggled together when I was pregnant and how worried I was that I wouldn't get to have her this long. I am so thankful for every single day that I have had with her (the good and the bad and the pukey ones) that I cannot express it
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A new little life came into the world today :-D. First time parents Mina Akbarzedah Brown and her husband Randy Brown gave birth to their first son, Haylen (and fellow Taurus YAY
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The kid was a trooper, she laid on the table for almost 2 hours and just really was a toughy. They couldn't get the meds to work on her (poor kid 12 injections, numbing gel, and funny gas and still had problems but that happens to me too so I guess I should have expected it) and she had to endure some pretty intense pain at a couple of points but
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AJ has to go through a pretty major dental procedure today and I am scared to death (not just for the procedure but because of a strange convergence of situations).
Can you all maybe muster a little energy to send he way?
Well, as of yesterday, my smallest has been here an entire year. She has grown in to quite the young lady. She is bossy, demanding, crabby, amazing, beautiful, hilarious and the one of three of the loves of my life
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