Title: Bright Light's Shadow [oneshot]
Author: ccgensou
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Suicide.
Band: The GazettE
Pairing: Reita/Ruki
Summary: Just one, last, perfect day.
Comments: *pulls shoebox over head* You don't know me. *hides*
Bright Light’s Shadow
Every day eventually has to come to an end.
It’s a never-ending cycle that none can halt, so I
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Comments 66
There are places my mind really doesn't wanna go.
This made me tear up, which is really unfamiliar to me. I don't even like the pairing and still it got me because I know that, y'know? I know every bit of that. And it makes me worry just a little bit that you know it too. But you've always been amazing, so I guess it's just writing skill.
And on a lighter note, it's the best thing since sliced bread and I'm bothering with this 'memories' thing just for you, cupcake. <3
But OMG...this got me in TEARS. Sooo intense. T__T I feel sorry for the both of them...Gah I don't know what to say right now since I'm still crying but, this was very good and I enjoyed it. I needed this angst. XD
Thank you for this story! <3
Sometimes i don't think that you know how EXCELLENT of a writer you really are. No one that i know, not a single person that writes has the same effect on people that you do. The insane amount of detail in thought, emotion....it's incredible. You truly have a gift to make people -feel- what the protagonist is trying to get across. You -feel- the warmth of someone's skin. You -feel- the rope twisting in your hands. ...You -feel- the snap of your neck. You're brought into the story, and it's so easy to feel the way that he feels because of your gift. I can only pray that you get the chance to use your writing to change the way that people think about writing. To show them that it can be more than just fancy words and comedy. I can be serious. It can be almost -real-. To feel what someone has written is one of the greatest escapes there is...it can't be replaced.
This is -perfect.-
Thank you, lovely. You know I don't agree with you, but nevertheless. Thank you. <3 *hugs tightly*
That was beautiful. Your writing is absolutely amazing. I adore your ability to make something so real and full of emotion. Your writing has always made me just sit back and think, and really, how many authors can do that? Provoke a reader's thoughts an imagination?
Lovely :)
this feels so...personal. how awful that he didn't feel he could share his pain with reita, and you drove that in so eloquently.
apart from that, i'm speechless. this fic's a keeper for sure. thanks for sharing it!
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