A lot has happened since I last wrote this...hmm I graduated from College, "'Bout time", I have been planning my wedding...I'm glad I'm only getting married once, and also work has been absolutely, Nucking Futs
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Yes I know I'm not chinese but hey any reason to be happy, right. Somedays I feel like I'mn doing absoltely nothing and others I fell like I'm so stressed out I can't think straight
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Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong and at the worst time... These words are making a lot of sense right now. I have managed to finally get really sick after all those cold's and flu's that were going around. The bad part is that there is not even three weeks left to school. Too much to do...no rest for the weary
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Well it's as good a time as any to write, after all I haven't written in a week or so. Did everyone make it through the storm ok? We were lucky to be cleared out by noon on Friday. Not bad for living in the stikx eh
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How can one little phone call change the mood of a person? I suppose I should start at the beginning. Friday I was feeling great. April and I were wedding dress shopping to take our minds off school stress. All was well with the world
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How can one little phone call change the mood of a person? I suppose I should start at the beginning. Friday I was feeling great. April and I were wedding dress shopping to take our minds off school stress. All was well with the world
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Well I am currently in the computer lab at school right now and am bored out of my mind. It turns out that we have first morning off-classes on Monday and Tuesdays, which means that I still have to come to school early cause my drive does...oh well can't change it I guess
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How was everyone's Christmas this year? It seems the older you get the less excited you get about it. It was a pretty quiet time around here. On Christmas eve we went to my mom's house for dinner and to drop off their gifts. After that we came home and visited a few friends out here. Christmas day we got up and opened our gifts here then went to
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