Aug 04, 2014 10:39
Sekali lagi, buat nambahin postingan,
Ini yang terakhir,, ^^
Aug 04, 2014 10:32
Cuman pengen ngepost sesuatu buat nambahin postingan,,
Biar bisa join salah satu komunitas wkwk
Ga penting, tolong abaikan saja postingan ini,,
Terima kasih, nanti kalau sudah bisa onlen di pc, saya ngepos hal2 yg agak lebih sedikit penting.. :D
Mar 10, 2013 13:55
sshhh.. actually i dont really know how to use live journal
but i really want to know bout arashi and the other i interested with,
maybe i can learn it little by little, please support me ^^
thank you :D