Idea borrowed from
serendipityxxi :
I've got a lot of boring writing to do today and I'd really rather be working on my latest
vmfic_gameon fic, so I need a fandom fix. Reply here with caps of your OTP(s) and tell me why you love them! They can be canon, non-canon, or just wishful thinking
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I also love the idea of Mac/Weevil, which there isn't even a hint of in canon, but I have a soft spot for good girls/bad boys with secret hearts of gold, so...
Other OTPs for me...
Queer as Folk Brian/Justin
Private Practice Violet/Cooper (seriously, these two people should be together, and Shonda just keeps messing it up)
Heroes Elle/Sylar - well, cause it's Kristen Bell and two psychopaths certainly attract
Firefly Mal/Inara
Why do I suspect there is a good story here that I must know??
My understanding is that he is not gay in real life, although the guy who played Brian is also allegedly not gay, but there is some debate? At any rate, Michael always seemed a little stiff (no pun intended) in love scenes...I wasn't buying it, you know? But, it could be because the chemistry between Brian and Justin was so hot that everything else paled in comparison.
You're right--he's not gay, so maybe he was a little uncomfortable with the love scenes? I don't know, since I didn't watch. But he's been a pretty outspoken advocate of gay rights ever since QaF. He's very funny IRL--he can tell a story that will make you laugh until your face hurts, so I wish he'd get a comedy gig next.
My OTP is totally non-canon and will never happen, but so many great fic exist that fill the vacuum - Tim Riggins and Julie Taylor.
Also, I totally 'ship Nate and Sophie on Leverage. I am really looking forward to her return.
Oh, and this is maybe a weird one, since it's a show I love but I don't talk about it much - but 'Saving Grace' - Grace and Ham. Definitely. I loved Kenny Johnson in 'The Shield' and he's kind of a similar good but goofy-ish guy in 'Saving Grace'. And Holly Hunter....well, she's always been my #1 girl crush.
Bwah. Teddy Dunn so didn't have a personality, or any acting charisma, that forgetting his last name is totally warranted. :))
And I agree with your write up of the couple completely. Yes, the writing helped. Yes, the acting matters, but what made this couple absolutely it was the explosive, wonderful chemistry that was just there. So much so, that, like you pointed out, when the writing turns sour, the chemistry kept us coming back.
Actually, in old VM interviews, Teddy comes off as really cute and charming. I think he's just more appealing as Teddy than when he's trying to, y'know, act.
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