My brain is so dehydrated.. I drank too much last night... which was the goal.. The humiliation was surprising... but no judgment as far as i can tell.. at least from the people who matter.
I feel like shit so i should prolly not write..
Lots of tears last night. . I was good till Donny called.
He keeps takong money out of our savings with out speeking with me. So frustrating. .. i hope he doesnt spend my pay check on beer again. I need my own bank account. I need someone to watch the children so i can go find a job. This guy is just watching the world burn..
I did mean for my life to look like some crappy piece of art, it just happened...
Its always about how you spin it We are different. You like to be alone. I dont. Im falling In love with someone else... It doesnt mean everything we had was a lie How could that be? I never lie.