Title: A Year In The Life: Laundry Day
Fandom/Characters: House/Gregory House and James Wilson
Rating/Warnings: Gen. No warnings
Timeline/Spoilers: Day 3: 11/24/07.
365_prompts: Laundry
Word Count: 400
Previous Days:
A Year In The LifeNotes: Feedback is love. Please take a moment to tell me what you think.
Day 3: Laundry Day (Saturday, November 24, 2007) )
Comments 18
Anyways! Cute ^_^, and I can definitely see House being obsessed with thermal underwear and randomly wanting to go with Wilson to buy some.
Hah. I don't know where that's coming from. Knowing House, that's probably what he'll gift Jimmy with for Christmas/Hanukkah. XD
Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply!
lol yes...that should be canon
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I'll bookmark your FF.net page and check it out when I get a chance! Mine's here: CelticFaerie2 if you want to check out my previous fics. Eventually I'll get this series up there, but I think I'll post like 10 days at a time in a chapter, since they're short little vignettes.
and OF COURSE Wilson would listen to the music LOL... btw: i wear and LOVE thermal underwear!
Yeah. I'm planning to write a little vignette for every day of the year. I'm not terribly worried about posting on the exact day, but, I don't want to fall too far behind. It's going to be a hell of a challenge, but I'm gonna do it!
Thanks for reading, and commenting! I'm not sure what the deal is with House and the thermal underwear, but he's fixated, and that's never good! XD.
Charming as always, our poor destitute cripple that can't even do his own wash. Sounds like my bloody sister XD
I barely pushed this out. I just...bleh yesterday. Water aerobics, for one. And my ear objected. *sigh* Hopefully today will be better.
They're awesomely adorable. I loves, so bookmarked. ♥
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