Title: Turn Rating: PG Spoilers: Post-BDM Word Count: 100 Characters: Simon/Kaylee Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words Notes: As always
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Conjure it might be because they make our teeth hurt with the sweetness of them >;0)
That said, Simon and his love and caring for River is so the White Knight...
Thank you for the kudos! (I know the font makes your eyes wibbly- fortunately the 100 worders aren't as bad I reckon... Hope to be uploading a few more of the series to Fanfiction.net soonish though...)
Comments 30
i love the simplicity, and i love the characterisation in the dialogue. You know exactly who's speaking, right from the start.
great work :)
Also, Simon gets his foot in his mouth again! Hee. The boob, as River would say. =)
Also, lovely font! How'd you add it to your lj? *is curious*
Also also, long time, no see! *hugs* I dropped out of lj for a while, sorry.
Simon is adorkable no doubt about it. Kaylee is such a doll for him. Perfect really...
Ahh, the font! My signature font and color if I can manage it; 'copy-paste' from Word, a little creative twiddling with Rich Text and HTML and voila!
Simon, Simon, Simon. Always fretting over River! Think you've capture their dynamic perfectly. : )
That said, Simon and his love and caring for River is so the White Knight...
Thank you for the kudos! (I know the font makes your eyes wibbly- fortunately the 100 worders aren't as bad I reckon... Hope to be uploading a few more of the series to Fanfiction.net soonish though...)
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