I don't mean to sound like some extreme liberal but I would pay up to 800 pesos to see Sarah Palin do a donkey. It would probably be easier to watch than Joe Biden doing an elephant.
Olbermann was great the first 6 or so times I watched him in action. He thinks on his feet and has this user friendly braininess about him
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If Barrack Hussein Obama wins this election it will be the most important victory that his supporters and his political party have celebrated in my lifetime. It will also challenge the status quo throughout the western world. This isn't saying much if it was only about Obama winning. If it was simply about a banner with the word "Change" verses a
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Everyone knows how much I love pop music. Sometimes I get an itch and the only song that can scratch it better be something pop. Bananarama, old Ministry, No Doubt, Beach boys, Samantha Fox, Wagner, Aguilera and on and on and on
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Today at the leashless dog park a man named John who's known at the dog park as "the mayor" once again said something brilliant. Firstly, a bit of insight into John. John is a 40 something tradesman who loves his dog Missy. He's a lean, unshaven and chain smoking bloke who wears his work gear on his days off and has a long neck of coopers in his
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