Guess what? Orion our new kitten that we've had for about a month is a girl! When we got her, we were told she was a boy. Kate and I are kinda weirded out now...she still looks like a little boy kitten to me
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Haven't been on the computer much. The house is great! I spend 2 hours less a day commuting. We painted the living room and dining room. Moving in was hell. UHAUL sucks ass...DO NOT RENT UHAUL
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The show went pretty well last night. We had 22 people come see us play. The comedy skit was awesome. It was a lot like "Who's Line is it Anyway?" Playing a show and having a bunch of people there that you know is not so fun. I'm glad they all came out, but it's hard to make sure you talk to everyone and set up equiptment and play a show all
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