...nun hat es auch mich gepackt. Ich hab bereits online gelesen, dass es bis jetzt nicht besonders viele spielen, aber bis jetzt scheint jeder in ein richtiges "Engel-Fieber" gefallen zu sein, der damit in Kontakt gekommen ist. Nun, so ist es auch mit mir. Ich spiele Himariel, seines Zeichens Urielit, und verschlinge gerade mein Ordensbuch ;)
Well, today I tried to get a good Avatar, my friend helped me with it, but I still have not got one I like. So I decided to let it that, because I have not so much time. It sure is very wonderful, but not really for someone with such a full first life... :)
Yeah it's true. I have just talked with a friend about LSL, the Linden Scripting Language, inspired by some chat about programming languages
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Yay, I have found one of my most favorite games for PSP today. I instantly bought it as it only cost 20€ which I got from a friend for flashing his PSP, so. Well, now I am playing it on my PSP *yays* I never found it for PS2, and therefore had to play it with HDAdvance. But now I can play it while travelling^^