Apr 20, 2010 23:01
- 13:27 @ mzberlin, I want a dyson too! #
- 13:28 Socrates may have killed chemistry but chemistry also killed Socrates! #
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Mar 30, 2010 23:02
- 05:42 @ januaryseraph, great trip! Actually, I just changed my flight to stay for three more days in Australia! #
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Mar 03, 2010 00:01
- 12:20 A little disappointed in getting 93% on chem midterm. I forgot to convert celsius to kelvin...what a dummy! #
- 20:58 @ Linbeck, Thanks! I stopped performing almost 3 years ago, and even then I was only doing a little on-camera work. #
- 20:58 @ januaryseraph, Sounds good! Where and when? #
- 20:58 @ CarolineBranson, I have no idea...chem or
( Read more... )
Mar 02, 2010 00:02
- 10:00 Heading off to chem lecture. I LOVE chemistry. Words cannot describe my love for this. Maybe I should major in it.... #
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Feb 20, 2010 00:01
- 14:59 Taking a break from twitter...need to focus on chemistry instead. #
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Feb 05, 2010 00:00
- 18:15 @ januaryseraph, Yes, yes!!! Then we can finally catch up and have a nice dinner together! #
- 18:15 @ WickedGrounds, I need to come in and sign copies of my book that you have for sale!!! #
- 18:16 @ danadearmond, There will be arguments all over the country: Superbowl Sunday and Valentines day on the same day!!! #
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Feb 03, 2010 00:00
- 22:44 Ugh, I feel like something crawled up my ass and dies. Farty, stinky ass.... #
- 22:45 @ satinephoenix, I have no idea! I've always been interested and may eventually head that right...but for now it's science! #
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