Dec 04, 2005 14:43
my ex got a g/f
my dog died
i have talk to no one on the phone
my comp is still messed up ...
Oct 11, 2005 14:28
So far my day is sucky!I broke a guitar string!! Hope my day gets better! How is everybody esle's day going?
Oct 11, 2005 13:26
If you truly believe in God, then post this in your Live Journal. If you don't believe in God, then just ignore this...thanks. In the Bible, Jesus says..."If you deny me before man, I will deny you before my Father in Heaven."
Oct 10, 2005 22:01
I have a b/f!
Grants single!
Laura is Sick!
Oct 10, 2005 14:09
My Life Really Suxz Right Now!
Oct 01, 2005 23:49
I have another stalker! Damn my Likeableness! anyways ttyl bye
Oct 01, 2005 22:17
Hey Yall,
I totally scored when I went shopping heres what I got > :2CuteTops,1 black shirt 1 silver purse, but I missed Trevor's Call o Well, ttyl bye
Oct 01, 2005 12:27
Oh My Gosh Dudes~! I talked to one of my friends (Laura)guyfriend(Trevor)!
He is sooo kool! He guess that I had a black top on & Hazel eyes How koolz!
Sometimes while talking we knew what the other was saying or going to say or trying to say lol!Towards the end ,He was like"I wanna go out with you but don't..I make no sence." So yea ttyl
Sep 30, 2005 20:11
Hey Yall,
I just resently relized what a Jerk I've been~! To my mom and friends~!
I've been a real brat and I feel really bad now~! Now I'm gonna not be a jerk~!
Well I'll ttyl BYE