Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (for now.. hehe)
Summary: "The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
White Lies - Chapter 5 )
Comments 28
Thanks for fast update! Waiting for next one.
Yes I really like this scene, that's why i held onto it so long even though i had nothing to put it in >.<
The next update may take a few days though, Gomen!
But it will be very long and include some smexy times so I hope it's worth the wait ^_^
Don't cry, dear reader!! >.<
I love writing angst yet i feel so Bad when it makes people upset?
I believe i've gone round the loop >.<
Thanks for commenting~!
I love Hana Yori Dango, especially the second season? Phwaaoor Matsujun was Gorgeous, ne? >.<
And i agree, this is quite the depressing story... in which all the Arashi members (possibly THE most happiest/mentally insane people in the world) are crying every five minutes and are sadder than a bag of wet cats. Good grief.
Hopefully they'll work it out in the end though ^.^
another thing i agree on is that Arashi are the happiest mentally insane people on ever to exist on this earth. that is why they bring us sooooooooo much happiness. =)!!
and yes please make them work it out!!!!
So short...
Waiting for more...
I want to find hope, their love is too big to end up like this!
Ohmiya is forever, Nothing can keep them apart!!! *waves imaginary flag of ohmiya*
And the next chappie is definitely going to be a long one, (although it Will take longer to update) and will also have an R-rated scene O.O *grins evilly*
So hopefully that's something to look forward to >.<
Thanks for commenting~!
thanks for update! :DDD
The next update will be in a few days or so ^.^
Thank you for commenting~
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