Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (for now.. hehe)
Summary: "The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
White Lies - Chapter 5 )
Comments 28
it was so sad...:( *crying*
somehow ,i can feel what riida feel...*crying again*
i hate when they breakup..my world is not colourful again..
next chapter..onegai!
*still crying*
And don't worry~ *runs for box of crayons* Things will get colorful again soon~
Thank you for commenting! ^.^
Poor Nino... Poor Ohno... D:
Thanks for updating! Somehow I like angst too... :3
This story is so Filled with it though, it's just angst angst angst
I think i may have angst-overdosed >.<
Thanks for commenting~~
Not sure what that means~ demo on a completely random note I absolutely Adore your display picture >.<
Is that Aiba? Good grief I can't see who it is! I may be going blind O.O
Well, they're the only johnny's boyband i listen to ;P
I know other JE boys from different shows they've acted in though ^.^
Demo he's very kawaaii ne? >.
hope the next one will be happy chapter...hehe
It's got a different kind of angst though.. I'd categorize it as more of a 'hurt' than angst?
Je ne sais pas
Hopefully it will liven things up a bit before the end, ne?
Thanks for commenting~~
i cant believe how nino's heart can hold on...
please update soon
And honestly, I can't believe he can hold on either >.< It would be so Hard!
And hai hai I'll be updating in a few days, ^_^
This chap was actually the Last "from the past" scene :D
It's coming to an end soon~ T_T
Thanks for commenting~
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