Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: "The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
White Lies - Chapter 7 )
Comments 22
I can't believe this!
Ohno can't understand Nino tried to protect him?
Poor Nino, being hurt like that...
Someone has to do something!
I'm calling Riida right away!
*I wish*
More! More!
And thanx for updating soon!
But we'll leave that up to Nino, ne? >.<
Next Chapter is the Grand Finale!!!
Thanks for commenting~~~
Is Aoki his real name? =D
but I thought "Okay get him to call the manager... hmm... manager...-Aoki-san!"
Hahahaha it May be? But is most likely just my imagination, the name sounded really familiar though?
ehhh~~ Majide? I always imagined slaps to be feminine, because i'd hate to imagine a guy ever Slapping a girl, ne?
Demo in this fic, i couldn't really see Either of them as Seme? I know when push comes to shove (i.e. smut) Nino was, but all the same, i saw them both as almost neutral?
Je ne sais pas >.<
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Demo he was breaking under the lie, and I don't think he could have waited any longer,
Even though the whole situation kind of blew up in his face, I got the feeling he was almost relieved to have him know?
And being an S is Awesome~~~~ Be proud!! muhaha >.<
The next update is the last T.T
Thanks for commenting~~
So Ohno knew the truth. I understand Ohno's anger about this. But hope he'd realize soon that Nino just wanted to protect him so much.
Somehow I'd want Nino to keep this as secret till the end [ and well, suffer till the end *I know, I sound cruel ;__;* ]. But still...
The next update is the last, the grand finale, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, etc.
So i didn't want to let the lie go on much longer >.<
Demo trust me, he continues to suffer for a bit more ^.^
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He did it unwillingly....
Update soon k! XD
Thank you for commenting~~
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