wow ive finaly relised if i wanna learn i will. well i was siting inmi calss doin my work and mi calss is so slow it f**ks me of cuz there so noisy they never do there work and desirees got the bastest adduitudes man it pisses me off
....HeLLloOOOo.... BraD Got Bak 2Day....YayYaYyayY MayBe I Can DanCe In The RaIn With Him!! MaYbe :-) SoUnds GoOd MaYb In A WhIte tOp!!! Ill Bet Ya hEll Like Dat :-) I Love U bRad
heyhey, start of the long weekend yipee, not that fun lol umm so fukking borad...mite go to the pools with bones tomorw funfun!!! yeah im so borad !!!! i wanna acutlly see desiree this weekend but dunno if she can prop not anyways uhh done mre wrk on the website