The Ms.Scribe Story
An Unauthorized Fandom Biography
Preface -
The primary purpose of this fandom biography, as with any story, is to provide entertainment and amusement for its readers. Msscribe is a fascinating person and I believe that many people will find her eventful fandom life interesting. My secondary purpose is to preserve fandom history that is in danger of being lost -- for instance, I rescued the Fermatojam pages originally captured and posted by
anatsuno from Google cache. Msscribe's story includes or touches upon many scandals and conflicts of the past five or six years in a certain sector of the Harry Potter fandom. My third purpose is to try to explain events that were complicated and hard to understand when they happened. I hope this account will provide a coherent explanation and clear up many misconceptions.
All posts, comments, and webpages quoted or shown as exhibits in this narrative are public, or were public when they were captured, or else I have explicit permission from the writer of the text to quote them. Much of my narrative is based on downloads from public posts on Msscribe's Live Journal captured on June 6, 2003 by fandom member
dianora. Most of those posts are now friends-locked, but they were all public when downloaded. The same is true of the handful of other formerly public/now friends-locked posts that are included here. They were public when they were either downloaded, screencapped, or quoted by a fandom member or captured by Google, the Wayback Machine, or LJ Seek. Msscribe's real-life full name is not mentioned or linked in this account.
Occasionally, the narrative includes quotes from friends-locked posts and comments, and emails. All of these are quoted with the permission of the writer of the text quoted. This will always be noted in the text, as well.
This story is as complete and accurate as my research skills and my own memory and that of my sources could make it but I realize that there might still be inaccuracies in the story and chronology, and I welcome any corrections and additions you might have. Please leave a comment or send me an email at My goal is to achieve 100% accuracy, and I will edit the text if I receive new information. All speculations and conclusions expressed in the narrative are my own, and are true to the best of my reasoning ability based on the information I have.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the many people who have generously shared their memories, links, downloads, screencaps, locked posts, emails, IM transcripts, beta suggestions, and encouragement. I must especially thank
narcissam, and
tartanboxers, without whom this fandom biography would not have been possible.
1 -
The Background- Early 2001 - The Websites are Founded
- Late 2001 - The Stalking War
- 2002 - The Uneasy Peace
2 -
Msscribe Enters the Fandom- January-March 2003 - Msscribe at Portkey
- February 2003 - Msscribe Moves to Live Journal
- March 2003 - Msscribe and Fermatojam
3 -
Msscribe Conquers All- April 2003 - MsScribe and Killiganhashope
- May 2003 - Msscribe and Pottersginny
- Late May 2003 - Msscribe and RunechildUK
- Still May 2003 - Msscribe and GT_Hidden_Room
4 -
Msscribe Suffers a Setback- End of May 2003 - Msscribe and the Nanny
5 -
Msscribe Battles Gryffindor Tower- June 2003 - Msscribe and the IP Evidence
- June 2003 - Msscribe Strikes Back
- June 2003 - Msscribe and FictionAlley
6 -
Msscribe in the Aftermath- July 2003 - Msscribe and Nimbus
- July 2003 - Msscribe Loses her Job
- August 2003 - Msscribe and Watchful_Entity
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Msscribe Settles In for the Long Haul- September 2003 - Msscribe and the Fall of Gryffindor Tower
- January-March 2004 - Msscribe and Fandom_Scruples
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Msscribe Survives Challenges- March 2004 - Msscribe and the Former GTers
- March 2004 - Msscribe and Sporkify
- June-August 2004 - Msscribe and the POA IMAX
9 -
Msscribe Leaves the Fandom- 2004-2005 - Msscribe and Fandom Opinion
- September 2004 - Msscribe and WizardsforBush
- October 2004 - Msscribe and Fandom_Scruples, Again
- Early December 2004 - Msscribe and the Stolen Laptops
- Late December 2004 - Msscribe and the Anonymous Meme
- March 2005 - Msscribe and Charitywank
10 -
Msscribe Returns- November 2005 - Msscribe and the Civil War Icons
- June 2006 - Msscribe and Delawarean
Afterword One- June 2006 - Angua and Oulangi Call the Cops
Afterword Two- June 2006 - More Info from Cassandra Claire and Ishie
Afterword Three- October 2006 - Further Developments and Appearance of Detective Mousie
Afterword Four- October 2006 - Detective Mousie Detected
Appendix -
Timeline of Events