I seem to be doing better. Less ill, to say the least. Still wheezing, who ever knew pneumonia could be so horrid to handle. To to mention the extremes it can put one's body through. Things seem good this semester for classes...
My...some people are so...interesting, ne? Kabuto-kun is here, that...pleases me greatly. IT has been awhile since I have seen my classmate. We do owe each other some catch up time...no, Kabuto-kun?
New Years...my family never celebrated it and neither did I. Christmas was...an interesting time to say the least. I did meet up with one of the few people I would have bothered to. Christmas is not a holiday I take interest in...
The time of year where Americans are celebratory of the holiday comes up. I find little joy in it, but I am sure there are some students here that do...
Gaara, it has been some time...perhaps we should talk again soon, ne?
Tokyo University. A fitting place. Have met up with old acquaintances, hope to meet up with more. The apartment is suiting, plenty of space, not a horrid temperature as long as I open a window.
A poor seed can produce great fruit, while a great seed can produce poor fruit. In this sense, the apple can fall far from the tree. So the real question is Nature or Nurture? Would a poor seed suddenly become something great in order to make sure that its offspring are great? Someone who comes from a great mold will have a greater chance at
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