becky - "fill out the card. you get a pie!" jared - "and they're really really good pies!!" i get a pie for going to church :0) ( did you just fart again?! )
i'm glad today is over. oh gawd. friday you suck. this weekend = insanely busy! it'd be nice to have a moment to breath once in a while...but who has time for that? i apparently don't.
do halls cough drops contain happy drugs? b/c whenever i use them, i bouce off walls... lots of laughs on the way home. what a sexy man in a lavendar car! holy c-rap.
and i suddenly can't recall a single thing that happened today.
TOMORROW'S FRIDAY! happy happy joy joy for a 3 day weekend.
i think myspace is one of the funniest things i've ever seen. there are so many naked people! hahahahaha. either that or "scenester" pics. what a joke, hahahaha. i loooooooove it.