The Real LJ Idol - Mini-Season - Week 17

Apr 08, 2016 19:53

The Real LJ Idol - Mini-Season - Week 17
This is my entry for Week 17 of LJ Idol (
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Comments 7

bleodswean April 9 2016, 19:02:55 UTC
This piece is so full of raw emotion and a deep need for the narrator to lay out all the bits and pieces of this relationship, taking stock, until she ultimately puts her heart on top of the pile. It's a compelling symbolic act. I have to admit....that I don't understand what the Terrible Act consisted of....and I'm not sure the reader needs the details, but perhaps just a bit more clarity there? I like how you brought it around to a "fairy tale" place in the ending.


ryl April 10 2016, 15:00:55 UTC
Oh wow. I was hoping the narrator would take the box and go but then...ouch. Then that little touch about the original Brothers Grimm tales just put the cap on it. Raw and emotional and absolutely wonderful.


rayaso April 10 2016, 16:57:26 UTC
I was also rooting for the narrator to give him the box and shut the door, but the failure for this to happen is what makes this such a good story! You did a great job with the prompt and your use of the box. Well done!


murielle April 11 2016, 14:47:38 UTC
The things she puts in the box! The things she doesn't! She knows him yet she tears her heart out of her chest, bruised and battered, and hands it to him not entirely sure how he'll take it, if he'll take, or what he'll do to it.

This is so gut-wrenchingly brilliant! Beautiful writing!


whipchick April 11 2016, 16:33:26 UTC
So much personal pain in these words...


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