Title: In Good Taste [Part Thirteen] [FINAL]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: R; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): There’s no epilogue, but this part is epilogue-adjacent, lol.
Author’s Notes: An early post! Yay, Friday! Two perspectives in this chappie cus I’m trying trying
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Comments 10
I lobe how fany and yuri developed throughout the story. They're perfect for each other. They bring the best out of each other. Praises towards the other half comes out of their lips whether they're apart or together. Most importantly, they are each other strenghts. It is a blessing.
I'm tearing up right now, cause i'll be missing this weekly ipdate of yulti.
Author, "You've always been so warm since day one"
Thank you and blessings to your future eandeavors
Struggling with my sexuality myself this was everything I needed to read. This is my favourite for so many reasons. Thank you for writing this.
Kinda wish you included the meeting of the kwon parents.
Maybe as a bonus chapter?
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