SHINIGAMI DUTIES The following is a list of terms to help you get used to the way things are called. We all know Bleach, but I know I need help remembering things!
Checkmate Original Terms
should be more common with Aizen in charge
Kounisshimou Public Journal Network 公司日誌
A communication network created under supervision of Aizen Sousuke. With cooperation between Las Noches and Seireitei, it is a system of bulletin board like blogging that can span between different realms of existence at fast speeds. The network is always operating, one simply needs to log in rather than start a connection.
Koupakushi City of Ancient Souls 古魄市
The city that surrounds Oouden. It's filled with strange, but otherwise humanoid souls who don't talk to outsiders. Currently, why they are in Ouamaji is unknown, as they refuse to speak to any of the Espada that go to and from the realm.
Ouamaji King's Path in the Heavens 王天道
What the inhabitants of the King's Realm call the realm itself.
Oouden King's Palace 王殿
The name of the large palace that the King inhabits. Aizen's current place of residents. (Pictures
here, and
Hollow Terms
should be more common with Aizen in charge
The second level of Menos which sacrifices the sheer bulk of the Girian form to become more intelligent and powerful. They are less common than their Girian cousins, but are much more dangerous thanks to their enhanced form.
A Hollow that has removed its mask in order to obtain Shinigami powers and a Zanpakutou. This type of Hybrid can have its powers augmented by the effects of the Hougyoku. Unlike Shinigami, their Zanpakutou are sealed in order to hold back their Hollow powers, as opposed to unleashing their soul's dormant abilities.
The bean Menos fire from their mouths by concentrating their reiatsu. Arrancar can also use this.
The "Ten Blades" of the Arrancar's forces who answer only to Sousuke Aizen. They are the Arrancar who possess the highest killing power after being augmented by the Hougyoku and are marked with a number indicating their rank somewhere on their person. Being a member of the Espada, an Arrancar can compel its cousins ranked 11 or lower to obey its orders.
The most common type of Menos that has been sighted by the Shinigami. Due to its colossal stature, it has earned the moniker, "Menos Grande" in the texts of Seireitei. It is of below-average, animalistic intelligence and is capable only of wanton destruction. On the tiers of the Menos, it is exceeded in ferocity and capability by the Ajuukasu and the Vastoorode.
The ability of an Arrancar to consume a large amount of souls at once.
Hueco Mundo
The realm of the Hollows.
Huge Hollow
Like the name implies, it is a Hollow, only very, very large. A classification given by Shinigami.
An earthbound spirit in the process of becoming a Hollow. Its center is chained to a place that filled it with regret in life and remains there until it bursts and recombines into a Hollow.
When Menos Grande appeared in the living world, the sky gates caused distortion in the living world. It is believed that their convergence signals the emergence of a Menos.
Las Noches
A palace/fortress in the desert that Aizen and his Arrancar inhabited.
A being created by the fusion of numerous lesser Hollows into a single form. They are known for their signature Cero and Negation abilities as well as a base power that warrants an immediate dispatch of multiple experiencedl Shinigami to neutralize them once they appear. There are three types of Menos, each one smaller and stronger than the next (Gillian, Adjuchas, Vasto Lorde).
Arrancar's ability to search and sense reiatsu.
The light Menos Grande use when helping those of the same family. When it is used, interference from outside the light becomes impossible, and the space inside becomes completely segregated from the outside world.
When an Arrancar releases its Zanpakutou. Part of their original hollow form is restored, changing their appearance, giving them greater strength, and granting them access to their original abilities.
Arrancar equivalent of Shunpo; the ability to move at super speeds.
Vasto Lorde
The most humanoid and deadly variety of Menos. Each one of these Hollows' strength exceeds that of the average Captain-level Shinigami and can cause massive amounts of devastations which dwarf that of its less evolved cousins. They are widely believed to be present only within Hueco Mundo.
Quincy Terms
quincy archer expects you to study
A highly advanced Quincy technique that gathers Spiritrons to one's feet for high-speed movement. Very similar to the Shinigami-developed Shyunpo.
The most powerful Quincy technique ever developed. It utilizes spiritrons to support the user's body and allows it to move despite broken bones and massive injuries very much like a string puppet. Generally reserved for elder Quincy, this ability is so great that it allows one to fight up until they are completely destroyed.
Shinigami Terms
things you should know if you like to reap souls
The second possible stage of release of a zanpakutou. Attaining bankai requires the materialization of the zanpakutou's avatar, and forcing it into submission, which usually takes at least 10 years, even for skilled shinigami. When bankai is achieved, the wielder often gains a 5 to 10 fold increase in fighting strength. Even after attaining bankai, 10 additional years of training are required to master the zanpakutou.
Central 46
The ruling government of Seireitei. It is traditionally composed of 40 legislators and six judges who all reside in the underground sanctuary known as the Seijoutou-Kyorin. Being the rulers of Soul Society, they hold authority over the Shinigami forces in the Gotei 13, Onmitsu Kidou, and the Kidoushuu.
Chain of Fate
See Inganokusari.
The area between the world of the living and Soul Society.
Demon Arts
See Kidou.
The cell-phone service Shinigami use to communicate back and forth to Soul Society.
When captains and vice-captains come to the living world their power is reduced by 80%, and is symbolized by a patch bearing their squad number on their chest.
A fake and temporary body for Shinigami to inhabit while they are in the living world and want to be seen (as a normal human).
A pill that forces a soul out of its body. It was originally used on souls that had died, but refused to leave their body, but then was applied to help shinigami separate from their gigai. When it is taken, a temporary soul enters the body. Three years ago, it was renamed "Soul Candy" by the Shinigami Women's Association, led by chairwoman Kusajishi Yachiru. The three most popular varieties are Chappy (rabbit), Yuki (duck), and Pebbles (dog). Other kinds available are Diana (snake), Alfred (skeleton), Claudia (bird), Ginnosuke (cat), Gringo (panda), Bruce (monkey), Kaneshiro (frog), and Staina (seal?).
Technique used in hand-to-hand combat.
The movement and fluctuation of spirit power.
Hakusuitosaketsu Soul Sleep and Chain Link
Vital parts of a soul. When they are shattered, the soul will die. The soul sleep is the source of spirit power, and the chain link boosts the power of the soul sleep.
Hell Butterflies
See Jigokuchou.
A substance created by former 12th Division Captain and Technology Institute founder Kisuke Urahara. It is known to dissolve the barrier within a soul that separates one's Shinigami and Hollow aspects and creates a hybrid spiritual being capable of wielding both sets of powers.
Basically, foot movement. If this technique is mastered, the shinigami will be able to make high speed movements that can't be traced by the eye, called shunpo.
Inganokusari Chain of Fate
The chain that connects the soul to the physical body. While it is connected, the soul itself can not die. When the chain is cut, the chain begins to erode from the severed end. If it reaches the chest, a hole will form in the body, and the soul will become a hollow.
Jigokuchou Hell Butterflies
Butterflies that Shinigami uses to help souls pass to Soul Society. They accompany you so that you can safely pass through the Senkaimon. They are also used as communication between squads for announcements and requests. Often the Lieutenant or Captain receives the butterfly.
The spiritual gathering place in the living world. It is easiest for those who have become spirits to gather there because it is spiritually heterogeneous. The location of this place changes with time, but in Bleach, it is located in Karakura.
System blocking intruders from entering the Court of Pure Souls.
Kidou Demon Arts
Spells used by Shinigami. They consist of bakudou (binding) and hadou (destructive) spells. See the list below for the known spells.
Instrument used by shinigami to manipulate the memory of humans.
A soul. Souls that are recently dead/don't consume others are called "Pulses". Those who have had their chain of fate removed and feed on others are called "Hollows".
Konsou Soul Burial
The process by which a soul is sent to Soul Society by a Shinigami.
The cleaner that monitors the "dangai". It's manifested as a large train and gets rid of intruders in the inbetween.
The key to the King's Realm.
Reiatsu Spirit Pressure
A soul's energy. Humans with a high reiatsu have a higher level of spiritual awareness and can see things like ghosts and Hollows, as well as Shinigami. Souls who have a high reiatsu can become Shinigami, and learn to manipulate it to help them perform spells and fight.
Reiraku Spirit Threads
The visualization of spiritual auras. They are seen as individual threads. Shinigami's are colored red, while all other souls are white.
The areas of Soul Society outside the city limits of Seireitei. It is divided into 80 districts, with quality of life steadily becoming worse and worse the farther one dwells from the Shinigami city.
Senkaimon World Piercing Gate
The gate that connects Soul Society to the living world. Shinigami use their Zanpakutou to unlock it.
A Shinigami's uniform.
Shikai Initial Release
The first stage of release a Shinigami has with their Zanpakutou. Each is unique to the user and sword.
Shunpo Flash Step
A technique used by advanced Shinigami that allows one's self to travel considerable distances in short amounts of time.
Soul Burial
See Konsou.
Soul Candy
See Gikongan.
The art of using one's Zanpakutou.
The four basic combat areas and techniques of a Shinigami: hakuda, hohou, kidou, and zanjutsu.
Zanpakutou Soul Slayer
A Katana-like sword used by Shinigami. They have the ability to "purify" souls and send them to Soul Society, by either Soul Burial or cutting the mask of a Hollow. They have two potential stages of release: shikai and bankai.