Italian Banks accepting cheese as loan collateral Though apparently they've been accepting parmesan for years... That's where they keep the 'extra mature' then. Saves spending money on storage I suppose!
just listening to the beautiful south while trying to get my camp file done (distracting myself is a terrible thing), I love their lyrics, they're just silly. Song for Whoever is always good. Though A Little Time amuses me too.
so, I'm back from over the plants are still quite healthy (tho a little parched), I'm quite excited about my strawberries and potatoes cos they're coming into flower
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so camping was quite fun in the end (though very tiring), everyone survived, and we got the tents down dry and back to Nailsea fine. I've learnt several things: ( list )
I should be cooking my tea but the washing up mountain in my kitchen is scaring me. need to wash up...I'm nearly out of mugs! In other news...still got lots of things to do for camp but less than last week! Really need to sort out this wide game. And make a scavenger hunt list. And stop faffing about. meh. byeeee
I Want That One(Stamps, with designs of mythical creatures drawn by Dave McKean, and short stories for each one wriiten by Neil Gaiman
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