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Sep 29, 2005 13:28

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1) What animal should wordsmeanlittle be combined with? Uhm....a hamster. Just because.
2) Would you wrestle jagmasterv in jello? Nah....I'd probably break him, and I bet Hannah wouldn't approve.
3) If kelskers was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Bitchy people.
4) Has disheartened dyed their hair? I'm.....not sure, actually.
5) Are philosynthesis and c_lyn85 going out? Not the last time I checked.
6) Is bouncehoper athletic? She might be, but I don't think she's overly athletic. She doesn't play sports on a team or anything like that.
7) Does jagmasterv drink? Yes.
8) Where was hey_goat born? I'm thinking they were both born somewhere in the area - I could be wrong, though.
9) Do melancholytron and kelskers go to the same school? Nope.
10) Are philosynthesis and sweetjuliet22 going steady? No - they're both with other people.
11) Is hockeyrosie popular? She seems to be :)
12) Which president would fracasa be likely to idolize? Sara, idolize a figure in an authority position? Please.
13) Is kelskers friends with wordsmeanlittle? I don't think so - they probably knew each other, but I don't know if they were friends.
14) What is heatherann24's shoe size? Uh....I'll guess 8?
15) Does hockeyrosie travel a lot? More than me, but that's not saying much.
16) Thoughts on kelskers? I love her like a little sister, even though it's been awhile since I've actually seen her.
17) Where did you first meet bouncehoper? I'm guessing through Erik at some point.
18) If kerribeary took over the world, who would be happy? Everyone except the people who had given her dirty looks. Those people would fry.
19) Have you flirted with philosynthesis? Oh, probably.
20) One quality you find attractive in jagmasterv? He's a genuinely nice person.
21) Would coffeelouse be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja.
22) What is kelskers's favorite food? Oooh, I don't know. I'm gonna say - macaroni and cheese? Just guessing.
23) What exotic animal would melancholytron like as a pet? It's John, so god only knows. Probably something I've never even heard of.
24) Is coffeelouse single? I think so, but I'm not sure.
25) Do you have jagmasterv's screenname? Yeah, but it's been awhile since I've been on AIM, so it might have changed by now.
26) How would y_psylon kill melancholytron? She'd use something completely sneaky that would leave no evidence. That whole "stabbing them with an icicle" kind of thing.
27) What rank would hockeyrosie have in a giant robot army? She'd be at least third in command.
28) Does fracasa smoke? Last time I checked, yes.
29) Where would kelskers most like to visit? Uhm.....I'll say somewhere tropical, like the islands or something.
30) Do you have a crush on jagmasterv? Luckily for both of us, I got over that a few years ago.
31) Did agentanaranjado break up with you? We weren't ever actually together, soooo.....no.
32) What song/movie would you recommend to kelskers? Maybe something sappy - Kelly strikes me as a sappy person :)
33) What do you agree with agentanaranjado about? I haven't talked to Ry in awhile, so I'm not sure. His dad's a really nice guy, though. I'm assuming we'd agree on that.
34) Is disheartened in a relationship? I don't think so.
35) What mental disorder does fracasa remind you of? Oh, GOD. You're kidding, right?
36) Would melancholytron and fracasa make a good couple? They would kill each other within the first day.
37) Does disheartened have a big secret? Probably. Randomly - Brooke, are you feeling better?
38) If philosynthesis and melancholytron were spliced together, what would it be like? The musical taste might change, but you know, overall, I don't think there would be much difference.
39) If polyjak and hey_goat were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Considering hey_goat is two people, I honestly don't know. Hips?
40) Is bouncehoper introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
41) Have you ever dated philosynthesis? Can't say that I have.
42) Is y_psylon 1337? What is 1337? Should I know this?
43) What color should wordsmeanlittle dye their hair? I don't even know what color her hair is currently - but I'd say a darker color.
44) What do you disagree with bouncehoper about? I think we disagreed slightly on that whole Sheehan incident.
45) Does suburbanjesus88 have a crush on coffeelouse? I don't think so.
46) Which of your friends should wordsmeanlittle go out with? None of them. She just started college! There's got to be tons of new and interesting guys for her there.
47) What is polyjak's favorite game? Mind games. :-p Oooh...
48) Is polyjak related to kelskers? Not that I'm aware of, but it IS Paw Paw, so you never know.
49) What would you do if you found out suburbanjesus88 has a crush on you? I'd be a little confused, since Lance never really acted like he liked me as a person all that much - never mind any kind of crush.
50) Is agentanaranjado a college student? Yep.
51) What flavor of jello would agentanaranjado be? Lemon.
52) Is disheartened your best friend? No, but she's a pretty cool kid.
53) What is kerribeary's favorite color? I'm going to say hunter green.
54) What would disheartened do differently in your shoes? I bet she'd move out a lot sooner.
55) Is jagmasterv related to you? Oh, I hope not. No offense, Ben, but that makes the whole dating thing kinda icky.
56) What video game does heatherann24 remind you of? Super Mario Brothers - because, uhm, that's really the only video game I have much experience with.
57) What is suburbanjesus88's favorite movie? Probably something dark and depressing.
58) agentanaranjado's hair color? I'd say blonde.
59) How many monkeys could philosynthesis fight at once and win against? Jack wouldn't fight them physically, he'd outwit them using the powers of his mind. I'm guessing he'd get through about four before the rest said "Screw this business" and walked away.
60) Does bouncehoper have a dog? At home, I'm thinking she does.
61) How tall is suburbanjesus88? He used to be a little shorter than me - not sure if he still is.
62) What is sky_split's biggest flaw? She hasn't updated her journal in a long time, and that makes me sad. :) There's a flaw for you.
63) What animal does coffeelouse remind you of? A ferret.
64) What is y_psylon allergic to? Republicans.
65) What word best describes melancholytron? Indescribable.
66) One thing you can't stand about philosynthesis? When he's determined that he's right about something (which happens a lot), he can sometimes make you feel like an idiot for thinking differently.
67) Has hockeyrosie been to your house/dorm? I don't think so. She's probably driven past it at some point, though. Paw Paw's not that big.
68) What would kelskers think of jagmasterv? She'd probably just write him off as one of her brother's old friends that she doesn't know well and move on.
69) What languages does suburbanjesus88 speak? Whatever sounds good to him at the time.
70) How would polyjak conquer the world? The old-fashioned way - he'd kill off anyone who disagreed with him.
71) Are suburbanjesus88 and coffeelouse married? No - at least, if they are, I didn't get the memo.
72) Would you make out with hey_goat? Both of them? At the same time? Because they're cousins, and that might be sort of uncomfortable.
73) If polyjak had a superpower, what would it be? Reading other people's minds. And then melting them.
74) When did you last call bouncehoper? I haven't called her in....ever, probably. But I wrote her an e-mail awhile back.
75) Is y_psylon a nerd? Sure! :)
76) If fracasa and agentanaranjado were spliced together, what would be its name? HA. Merkfault! That is something I would love to see.
77) What is kelskers's favorite band/artist? I don't know. I'm going to say something pretty mainstream, but I could be wrong.
78) What would sweetjuliet22 give c_lyn85 for his/her birthday? Probably a cute stuffed animal.
79) philosynthesis's eye color? Er.....brown? I should probably know this.
80) Is y_psylon a high school student? Nope, high school (and college!) graduate.
81) Would jagmasterv go out with hockeyrosie? He's got a girlfriend, so I'm gonna say no.
82) Could you see suburbanjesus88 and coffeelouse together? They'd probably lose patience with each other pretty fast.
83) What planet should jagmasterv be from? Pluto. Because it's the first one that popped into my head.
84) Would you set up melancholytron and wishfallthinkin? Nah...he's in Chicago, she's at Olivet....it would be awkward.
85) If bouncehoper took over the world, who would suffer? All the guys who have done her wrong ;-)
86) Do you think melancholytron is hot? I heard he's got a crooked nose. Heh. But, sure, why not. I used to have a crush on him, so I figure I had to find him hot at some point.
87) Would you ever date melancholytron? You should have asked me this four years ago.
88) How long would jagmasterv dating sweetjuliet22 last? It wouldn't happen - he's not Kobie and she's not Hannah.
89) If agentanaranjado commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Gay men.
90) Is hey_goat an emo? Michael - no. Scott - he's such a crybaby, I'll say yes. LOL.
91) Where was sweetjuliet22 born? Kalamazoo?
92) Is philosynthesis dead sexy? Sure, why not.
93) How long have you known heatherann24? Since kindergarten. Chocolate stamps!
94) Does heatherann24 know fracasa? I don't believe so. They might recognize each other's names or something, but that's about it.
95) Would melancholytron and kelskers look good together? Uh....no.
96) Does melancholytron do drugs? I'm not sure. Maybe?
97) Does wishfallthinkin go to your school? Nope - I don't go to school at the moment, anyway.
98) If fracasa were hanging off a cliff, what would sweetjuliet22 do? She'd help her out - Jenny's nice like that.
99) What comic book character would suburbanjesus88 be? I'm not good with comic books. Feel free to answer this one for me.
100) What would you do if suburbanjesus88 died? I'd say "Damn. I wish he'd updated his journal first."
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