Title: Screwed, Blued and Tattooed: A Walmart Story 2/?
Author: chibichibi_k
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, the wonderful Oda does.
Notes: None
Summary: A/U “Good morning shoppers and welcome to Walmart!” One Piece characters working at Walmart... How bad could it be?
Part One: Screwed (
~ Morning Meeting ~ )
Comments 4
After reading the first chapter a few days ago, I spent a whole day working imagining where I might see some One Piece characters should they work at the store. And to my surprise, at least one of them ended up in this fic (Nami in the cash office ftw)!
I am anxious to see what comes next! :D
I'm trying to keep it as close to a Walmart setting as possible and I kind of have a bit of an advantage... (I work there)
I'm glad that I am making you speculate as to who is going to be where. My friend and I spent about two and a half hours workin out a list of who goes where. I hope you end up liking the placements.
I'm sure that what I'll see will fit the character's well then! I'm hoping to see some of the lesser known job codes here as well. Since you've already placed Nami in the cash office though, I'm sure that I'll have much to look forward too!
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