Title: Rocky Horror and Corsets Author: chibichibi_k Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!! Notes: Slight spoilers for the Rocky Horror Picture Show Summary: Inspired by the Rocky Horror Picture Show - Puck didn't really expect to spend the night watching Tim Curry dance around in a corset but it ends in sexy results!
Title: Hummel Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Puck/Kurt - Pre-slash Disclaimer: I do not own Glee Notes: Sequel to my other story: Puck Summary: Kurt looked at the image, confused he quirked an eyebrow at Noah. “You’re joking...”
Title: Did We Really Just See That? Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Puck/Kurt Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!! Notes: Slight spoiler for Mash-Ups Summary: Puck and Kurt stumble across something that they really wish they hadn't.
Title: Sweet Caroline Redux Author: chibichibi_k Rating: G Pairing: Puck/Kurt Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!! Notes: Barely noticeable spoiler for Mash-Ups Summary: Puck serenades Kurt, not Rachel.
Title: Puck Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Puck/Kurt - Pre-slash Disclaimer: I do not own Glee Notes: Inspired by lifesblacksheepcomment in puckurt Summary: It's my name, what else could it mean?
Title: A Stolen Moment in the Music Room Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!! Notes: Slight spoilers for Throwdown Summary: "If Sue catches us mingling we're cooked. She told me if I even talked to one of Mr. Schue's kids that she would shave my head. And I just can't rock that look."
Title: Liquid Courage Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Disclaimer: I do not own Glee!! Notes: First Glee Fic!! Slight spoilers for The Rhodes not Taken Summary: Emma Pillsbury was not the first person to run into Kurt while he was drunk.
Title: Afterthoughts Auhor: chbichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Morgan/Reid Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds Notes: Spoilers for season five premire. Summary: After Reid is shot,who takes him to the hospital? Morgan , of course!
Title: Stricken Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Eliot x Hardison Disclaimer: I do not own Leverage! Boo!! Notes: None Summary: "What changed?" "Us, that's what changed."
Title: Mornings and Breakfast Author: chibichibi_k Rating: G Pairing: Eliot x Hardison Disclaimer: I do not own Leverage! Boo!! Notes: My first Leverage fic! Summary: "What? No breakfast in bed?"