Title: Stricken Author: chibichibi_k Rating: PG Pairing: Eliot x Hardison Disclaimer: I do not own Leverage! Boo!! Notes: None Summary: "What changed?" "Us, that's what changed."
Though I think what I like the most is that after Alec tells what his dreams have morphed into there isn't another thing said really. It really punched me with how much the dreams weighed on Alec, and now how much they weigh on Eliot.
Thanks so much! I wasn't quite sure about how I wrapped it up after Alec's reveal but I'm glad it worked. I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I'm sorry that it punched you ;)
Oh this is beautiful! I love it! Yea you're writing Leverage fic!!!! This was nicely done and heart wrenching at the end with Eliot knowing that he can't do anything to fix it, so gorgeous!
That makes me happy to hear! I one day plan to write a novel but I'm still working out the plot for it. Hopefully one day I actually get it all sorted and then put pen to paper
Comments 9
Though I think what I like the most is that after Alec tells what his dreams have morphed into there isn't another thing said really. It really punched me with how much the dreams weighed on Alec, and now how much they weigh on Eliot.
Excellent fic, hope to see more from you soon.
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