Title: They meet Fandom: Bleach (Ichigo x Rukia) Bonus: Nope Team: Fire Challenge: challenge 16 pink/red @ fandomwords100 Rating/Warnings: PG Summary/Other Info That night, under a full moon he's changed.
maybe?.... lol,I know its a little confusing it's based on their first meeting where she transfers her powers to him so he can save his family, by stabbing him with her soul weapon
*so glad I joined you guys in this community, I'm braver about playing in my other fandoms :D
Comments 2
I love the imagery in this story!!
it's based on their first meeting where she transfers her powers to him so he can save his family, by stabbing him with her soul weapon
*so glad I joined you guys in this community, I'm braver about playing in my other fandoms :D
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