drove by the ua track today. nobody was there. i also called you today. i didnt get to see you or mr bahakel this weekend like i wanted to. sad times. gimmie a call sometime yo.
Leigh Ann! I'm sorry. I saw that you called after I got back to Hattiesburg (I fell asleep in the car on the way back...no worries...Will was driving ;) ) I went to the meet on Saturday, but it was over early today, and there weren't any fun distance races, so I didn't go. I saw mr. bahakel from afar, but he was being all official, so I didn't get to say hey :( I'll give you a call in the near future fer sher. I'm pretty much all better now and junk, so I won't sound like a zombie on the phone. It'll be great. sorry I didn't get to see you this weekend! i love you!
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