I hate my Insomnia. espescially since it only decides to effect (affect?) me when i have something important the next day. like exams at 8 and 11. woo hoo.
I've been having insomnia for the last couple of nights, and since I have an exam at 8 in the morning, I decided to buy a sleep aid. well it sucks and now I'm wide awake despite the fact I have taken two of them.So Do not buy unisome under any circumstances it sucks.
it's really starting to hit me that this is my last semester here at state. i've spent two years here and made a bunch of friends. only two weeks left in starkville. in case your you don't know yet i'm transfering to Alabama next year.
well my parents drunk dailed me at 3:30 this morning. and someone puked in the washing machine so i can't do my laundry which i really need to do. Gator bash was fun though.