I think exams have sent me a little bit crazy. Maybe allot crazy.
Laura and I were laughing over the stupidest things in the libary and trying to work out how you can attempt assult, I mean come on you either hit somone or you dont.
Its ok there's only one exam left tomorrow morning. Then Im freeeee.
I know she says what I've got now is a whole load of rubbish but its going to be fine.
I am going to write all about the French role and what haig wanted and then bring in cambris and the last 100 days and I am going to have a good completed first draft done by wednessday morning.
I dont like being single, its Christmas I should be full of Christmas cheer and spending it with loved ones and Im not. Cos I dont have anyone because the person I want doesnt want me
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I am now in a state of fully fledged panic, its been like two weeks since I handed it in, and my refrence is done so its just going through checking now.
I am in a proper state of painic. I need it go off and I need it to of like yesterday.