*Last updated February 21, 2010. Changed one of the weaknesses. No relationships should have to change.
Name: Chie Eda 「江田千恵」
Age: 17
Birthday: April 16 (Aries)
Grade Average: C+
Has had projected sound → color synesthesia (various sounds, including voices and music, trigger a visual response - she sees colors, shapes, etc.) her whole life, although she didn't realize this was unique until she was around six or seven and learned pretty quickly not to talk about it, something she's kept up to this day. Chie is afraid that if people find out about her synesthesia, she'll get into trouble with her parents/the school/her class - worst case, that people will think she's crazy - so she's very careful about keeping it a secret.
Chie's family has lived on Nishima her entire life - her parents moved there a year before her older sister was born. The family makes occasional trips to the mainland and Chie has been known to go there with her friends sometimes, but the family aren't big travelers overall and Chie has never been outside of Kyushu when it comes to visiting mainland Japan.
When she was eleven, after a period of staring spells, she had a seizure and was diagnosed with juvenile absence epilepsy shortly afterward. She's has been on medication for it since. Other than that, her life's been pretty uneventful.
Stands at 5’1’’ and weighs 106 pounds. Chie is petite and small in general-she’s not physically strong-but she has a lot of energy.
She has straight, dark hair that falls to just below her shoulder blades and tends to be kind of flippy at the ends. It’s usually dyed a lighter brown than its natural color. She’s a pretty girl in general and has soft features. She wears a little makeup on a day-to-day basis, but not a huge amount.
Chie has calluses on her fingertips from playing the guitar, but they’d only be noticeable if you were touching her hands a lot. She has some scars on her right arm and one shaped like a backwards C above her left temple - all from a rollerblading accident she had when she was younger.
She tends to dress in comfortable, trendy clothes. She wears hoodies and jackets a lot, but she doesn’t like to wear hats. She usually has her MP3 player with her, whether she’s listening to music or not.
Chie is generally a nice person. She talks a lot, but she doesn’t intentionally act malicious and usually writes things she says off as “just teasing” or not a big deal. She’s also really easy to guilt trip, so she ends up apologizing for a lot. She can be sarcastic and dismissive with people she doesn’t like, but is usually quite affectionate and laid-back with her friends and has a tendency of being kind of touchy-feely.
She’s not a great student, but this is mainly due to lack of studying rather than lack of intelligence. Chie just prefers to spend her time doing things she enjoys, and that means schoolwork gets put on the backburner a lot. She does, however, have a great memory for conversation in general - she rarely forgets names and can remember some of the most random, specific stuff ever, so she does well on tests.
Because of her synesthesia, she tends to zone out when certain people are talking and acts a little twitchy around certain loud or shrill noises. It’s not uncommon to see her covering her ears in reaction to a sound that other people might not think is that annoying.
Although Chie acts extremely confident and relaxed, she’s not necessarily. She tries hard to draw people’s attention to the good things about her-hoping they won’t notice the bad-by acting this way, but the truth is that underneath, she can be emotionally needy and wants other people to validate her. She’s very adept at being subtle about this, though, and a lot of the time isn’t really doing it intentionally. She will get defensive about people claiming she wants attention, even if they’re just joking.
She's a one of the better sprinters on the track team and can also run long-distance for a while without tiring out. Although she isn't physically strong, it's a good bet that she'd be able to outrun most people in her class, at least for a while.
Chie likes to tease, but only up to a certain point. She doesn’t like to be seen as malicious or a bitch, and she’ll apologize immediately if she thinks she’s gone ~*~too far.~*~ In an argument, she’s usually the one who feels guilty and apologizes first. She tends to make friends easily and can keep the friends she does make without much of an effort, and she doesn’t go around picking fights with people she doesn’t like-so it’s doubtful anyone will be gunning for her specifically.
It’s okay for her to mock, harass, and smack her friends around as much as she wants-but if someone else starts to fuck with one of them, there’s ~*~a problem~*~. She doesn’t tell secrets, she’s supportive, and would never backstab or ditch someone she considers to be a real friend.
Chie strives to be liked and seen as a good person and often feels morally obligated to do the right thing by other people. It's one of the reasons she's so easily guilt-tripped. In an environment like the Program, this will be hard to reconcile. In the same vein, she's trusting and automatically assumes that other people have good intentions, even though the world doesn't work that way a lot of the time.
[Easily Distracted]
Loud noises hit her with not only the noise itself, but with streaks of color that are more intense than the ones produced by quieter sounds. Her normal course of action when this happens is to try and block her own hearing, so she'll stop whatever she's doing and cover her ears without giving much thought to what's going on around her. She's bumped into people, been hit with stuff, and even stopped in the middle of the street before.
Also, certain noises, if they go on for too long/are too intense/both, can make her feel physically ill to the point of throwing up. :| Which definitely doesn't help with the whole "oh hey let's pay attention to our surroundings" thing.
[Bad in Crises]
Chie would like to think that she's calm in a crisis, but the fact is, she kind of turns into a big mess. When she starts to panic, it's an uphill struggle for her to be able to get control of herself and she often needs someone else to forcefully calm her down somehow.
[Juvenile Absence Epilepsy]
A form of epilepsy that means she has both absence seizures and tonic clonic seizures. Absence seizures make her have staring spells that last up to thirty seconds - during one she's technically unconscious and won't be aware of anything going on, but afterwards will feel okay apart from confusion/stress over "losing time."
Tonic clonic seizures - actual "eyes rolling back, twitching limbs" seizures - are rare, but last longer (1-2 minutes) and leave her feeling pretty crappy afterwards - she's usually confused, can't remember anything about the seizure or whatever happened directly before it, and needs to sleep for a couple hours before she's back to normal.
Since she's on medication, her seizures are pretty well controlled. Sleep deprivation, periods of high stress, and missing a dose of her meds will all lower her seizure threshold, however.
[Notable Interests]
She's been playing the acoustic guitar ever since she was big enough to hold one. Chie sticks to indie/folk/pop tunes and has a pretty nice singing voice. She's also decent at the piano. Now that she's older, she's moved on to writing her own songs, with varying results. One of her life goals is to be proficient at five instruments before she turns twenty.
She like sports. Playing them, watching them, whatever. She enjoys running, hence her spot on the track team. Her other favorites are soccer and tennis, but only recreationally. She'll be up for trying almost any sport if asked, though.
[Overnight Bag]
Toiletries; clothes; makeup; cell phone; MP3 player; running sneakers; bag of hard candy; pocket-size notebook and three mechanical pencils; moss-green cloth wallet with money, school ID, and a picture of her and Benji inside; ear plugs; medication (Depakote, an anticonvulsant).
[Random Facts]
♣ Chie believes in basic karma.
♣ Likes to go running at night. 'Cause getting up at dawn and jogging is pretty torturous, in her opinion.
♣ Doesn't watch the Program (it squicks her), but she doesn't have anything against it as a system, really.
♣ Totally has names picked out for her nonexistent future kids. not that that would creep Benji out or anything.
♣ Her screen name is 'loserpants.'
♣ Blood type is O.
[Father] - Asagorou Eda 「江田朝五郎」 45. He works as a ghost writer for a local publishing company. He's quirky and a little naive. He's more likely to give his kids the silent treatment than yell at them if they act up - something that tends to upset them more than yelling, anyway.
[Mother] - Meiya Eda 「江田明夜」 44. A meticulous, hard-working woman. She can seem rather abrupt and abrasive, especially around people she doesn't know, and can become explosively angry if someone pushes her far enough. She manages the convenience store Chie works at part-time.
[Sister] - Amiri Eda 「江田亜美李」 20. Amiri is inquisitive and bright, but she tends to be pessimistic. She's a major drama queen and varies between loud outbursts and seething passive-aggressiveness anytime she feels that she's been wronged. Which is a lot. She goes to school at Kurume University but visits home frequently, so Chie and Masanori still have to deal with her crap on a regular basis. But oh well; they're sisters, and Chie loves Amiri regardless.
[Brother] - Masanori Eda 「江田昌憲」 16. A mere 18 months younger than Chie, Masanori is friendly, gentle, and very smart. He spends much of his free time hanging out in a shed in the Edas' backyard, conducting random science experiments. Masanori attends the same high school as Chie and is in the grade below her. He's in the science club. Shocker. He and Chie are fairly close and get along well due to the lack of a significant age difference between them, but each thinks the other's hobbies are kind of uninteresting and they both have different groups of friends, so eh.
[Pet] - Jinx 「ジンクス」 Chie's three year old pet ferret. She's litter trained and Chie lets her run freely around her bedroom a lot of the time, although she does have a cage set up. Jinx has been known to steal food from Chie's friends and is generally a nuisance... but a kind of lovable, retarded nuisance.
[Extra-Curricular Activities]
[Track & Field]
Chie likes the sprinting events - her favorite is the 400 meter, which is generally considered one of the most difficult races. Her spot on the track team is something she's fairly proud of herself for, because it's really the only thing she excels at, school-wise.
[Part-time Job]
Chie works 12 hours a week at the FamilyMart her mother manages. She doesn't make a whole lot of money there, but she saves half of every paycheck (and at this point, after almost two years, she's got nearly 400,000 yen saved up). It's really boring most of the time, but hey, it's money! She gives classmates who visit and save her from boredom free snacks.
Chie and her boyfriend Benji are in a band together, Less Than Three. It's mostly indie and light pop stuff - no rock music.
[Classroom Behavior]
Chie is usually well-mannered in class. She is somewhat of a daydreamer and occasionally needs to be prompted to keep up with the class, but her test scores aren't bad at all - it's homework and projects where she falls short, and this is what keeps a smart girl from getting good grades.
[Classroom Clique]
She goes between a few groups.
Cs in pretty much everything. An F in [some class idk yet]. A D in math, because Katsue's mom is a DUMB COW.
Her favorite subjects are P.E. and language arts.
[Memorable Moments]
[Beach Party]
Chie's beach hangout-turned-sleepover. More to come laterrr.
Chie will probably get along with almost everyone, at least superficially. She won't like your character if they're a bully or if they're into too much weirdness (hard drugs, whoring, whatever). List of current relations is
I'm Laura II. o/
Contact: sugarydoom@hotmail.com or sa22ybaskets on AIM.