ly2 siobhan... btw u need to give me like ur aim sn and your e-mail... i still cant believe i dont have those... stupid stupid stupid. yea i just god a letter from about bush's senior advisor bashing liberals... what else is new in washington
okay, see heres the thing that bothers me, when people. (like what your doing diego) make a point and say that the other party is always bashingo n the other. its stupid and you honestly cant believe it you have no proof. its not like you are seeing a speacha nd Bush outright says or Kerry out right says "Bush is a retard" or "Kerry is a retard" they dont do that. you cant believe all this stuff you hear. I mean its like hollywood and celebs. so you believe everything you hear in the tabloids? NO! and you shouldnt believe all that stuff either. I dont care who it is that sent it to you. The world is full of people trying to start crap and spreading rumors that aren't true.
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