well on sunday was my 5 month anniversary with kyle. it seems like its been longer..sometimes i feel as if he doesnt love me anymore. and doesnt want to be with me anymore...it scares me sometimes. he's comeing over soon in about 15 minutes. today kinda sucks. yea. im sick. and it sucks hella balls. ive been sick for almost a week. but yea. i dont
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alex hunt died. im still in shock. i found out that there was a car accident at like 9:30 this morning and then i went to kyles and at like noon...thats when i found out it was alex hunt. he's one of a kind. the nicest person you'll ever meet/know. he made a wrong descion. to go with a drunk driver. but it shouldnt have been him
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I got a new lj, please add me there. rinoathehoa add me <333! ill still have this journal, but i will writing in new journal so add or you suxor :( and bubba will be out to get you