The shop has been rather quiet as of late, but I expect it will pick up soon. u__u I just hope that this holiday sees no abandoned, unwanted pets.
I'm considering taking some of the reindeer out into the city, just for fun. I wonder if that would be appreciated. They're rather darling. Two calves have survived this year, even. It's such a touching
Both business and classes have been slow. My TA really needs to help me with that, I'm just no good at doing more than tell about the animals. u__u I couldn't make up lesson plans or tests or anything
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With the influx of studesnts, the shop has been bustling. And not a one wanted a tiger. I'm not sure whether to be pleased or put off. But I suppose it's a good thing. I'll be waiting for any new customers to come by~
(If you'd like to buy a pet from D, he can be reached at ChinatownCount)
I trust you have all been taking care of your animal friends? I myself have been on an expedition to South America and have returned with several new additions to the shop.