[Life]: The Corona Comedy Show also known as Germany

Mar 24, 2021 21:01


Sorry, I just have to rant about it as it's so stupid you wouldn't even believe it.
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*covid19, *life

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Comments 25

miez March 24 2021, 20:19:33 UTC
Wieso werden auf dem Workshop denn keine Masken getragen? Können die 1,5 Meter Abstand halten?

Ja, das mit dem Ruhetag war witzig.

Ich bin einfach nur noch müde und wütend.


chochajin March 24 2021, 20:31:28 UTC
Ja, 1,5 Meter werden eingehalten, weil es ein nicht ganz kleiner Raum ist und "nur" 3 Personen.
Wir haben CO2-Sensoren, die uns warnen, wenn der Wert zu hoch wird, also wird sehr oft gelüftet ....

Ja, so witzig. Wir haben alle so gelacht. :(



miez March 25 2021, 06:26:42 UTC
Hm und der externe wird getestet?
Man müsste ja eigentlich wirklich jeden, wo es irgendwie möglich ist ins Home Office schicken...


chochajin March 25 2021, 06:52:08 UTC
Nö ......

Ja, ich weiß. Ich hatte ja geschrieben, dass mein Chef mich zwingen wollte, im April jeden Tag ins Büro zu kommen ....

Die Busse, S-Bahnen und Straßen hier sind zu Stoßzeiten auch total voll. Also kann man sich ja denken, was das bedeutet ... da kann die Regierung uns noch so oft in den Lockdown schicken, wenn da nicht endlich strenger durchgegriffen wird...


_profiterole_ March 24 2021, 20:20:19 UTC
It's very bad in France too, but with the 2 additional holidays, I think you win at the worst government. ^^;;


ethereal_waves March 25 2021, 02:36:39 UTC
Holy crap, that's awful! I'm surprised by Angela's mistake too. Wow : ( I can totally sympathize with your situation there. It's been shocking how some countries have really faltered with responding in a sensible, efficient way to this pandemic, and the vaccine rollouts. So sorry you have to put up with this madness.


chochajin March 25 2021, 19:06:58 UTC
Thanks. It's just exhausting and frustrating for all of us to say the least. :/


kurikuribebi March 25 2021, 10:13:47 UTC
You don't want a shit show government but then say you miss Japan.
What an oxymoron, lol.


chochajin March 25 2021, 19:05:46 UTC
Haha, but no government is as great as Germany's at the moment, you know? :) .....


kurikuribebi March 25 2021, 21:38:52 UTC
I mean... North Korea seems fabulous, no? lol.

Japan really could be doing more though, so I admire Germany's efforts to at least try to do something instead of Japan's half assed methods for show.


meringues March 26 2021, 18:02:31 UTC
Okay wow and I thought we were slowly descending into a shit show here...! This has got to be so stressful and maddening for you to deal with, I wish I at least had some words of reassurance to offer you... *virtual hugs*


chochajin March 26 2021, 19:36:04 UTC
Thanks! It's really so frustrating.
I haven't even thought about travelling at all this year. Not sure if it'll be possible for Germans .... :(


meringues March 28 2021, 16:37:26 UTC
Just the idea of travel is making me feel depressed right now :(


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