Title: Nightwatch
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Category: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Beta: The adorable
verityburnsWord count: 273
Translation into Chinese available
here (thank you,
Lowtension!), into Czech available
here (thank you,
miamam!) and into Russian available
here and
here (thank you,
Summary: 221B Baker Street, a bedroom, at night. Before
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Comments 38
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I actually gasped when I got to the bit that revealed that John doesn't know what Sherlock is doing - if that's not an Ariane DeVere twist, I don't know what is
I'd like to say, "Yes, it's because I'm so clever", but actually I had this idea (revealing that John doesn't know what's going on just at the end) at the very last moment, then I realised that everything I had wrote could lead the reader to believe that Sherlock was in the bed with John, and his lover already, and I thought: "Wow, this is a twist a la Ariane DeVere !" And Verity said, "Aha! You're doing an Ari!" It's now a registered trademark. :D
Thank you again for everything!
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Yeah, my lovely self has been ruthlessly harassed gently cheered on for months and it's only to put a stop to this torment please you that I post at last. And I hope you're pleased, because I'm tremendously pleased, and smiling like a happy idiot, when I read your comment.
I adore 'He has no nightmares when I'm with him.' I love the simple fact of it - and I love Sherlock's tangible pride in the statement.
Ah, thank you! I'm glad you felt that.
I'm so, so happy you love what I wrote, first because I wrote it for you, then because, as you know it, I value your opinion so much. I think I'm going to add a subheading, in capitals and a lot of exclamation marks: "VERITY SAID IT'S TINGLE-INDUCING!!!". Good advert, in my opinion. :D
Thank you again for all your kindness and your support, and also your patient beta work. Now I can say like the others, "VERITY MADE ME!" :D
I don't think I'll ever stop enthusing about this, Choco. And neither will I regret constantly harrassing you to get this published. It so deserves to be seen.
So when are you posting to the comms? When when when when when?
*Limbers up her right leg for more kicking in the pants if necessary*
Although you could put it up on our_bbcsherlock as well?
Actually I thought that posting on sherlockbbc was enough. Do you think there are many people who read our_sherlockbbc and not sherlockbbc? I don't want to, er, what's the word, the thing you do when you post to too many places and people are fed up with you. Hey, I'm not a native speaker, okay? What do you think?
Sorry about these many edits, these lines in capitals bug me. They don't appear in the prewiew. If they're still here this time, I give up. But I'm not yelling at you, right? :D By the way, thank you very much for your Tumblr reblog, you're lovely!
Ooh, I quite like those small caps! (And it's called spamming - but two boards isn't spamming.)
Still excited to see this story finally online!! *hugs self in lieu of hugging you*
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