I'm writing this while sitting at the beach under the stars. The storms moving away from me beyond the river taking with them the heat and humidity of the day. Leaving me with a lightening show and peace of mind like no other.
It was never my intention to disappear. I do so enjoy this space and the commitment to recording and documenting my life. I suppose there are a multitude of excuses I could give you but I wont. We all know how it goes. I do want to get back into the swing of blogging again. There are a couple of truly exciting things about to start taking form that
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Well damn. Beginning this semester, I would have never guessed I would be where I am at the end of this semester. Academically, it went no better or worse than I had anticipated. I knew that the lecture portion would be more challenging than the lab portion. This was based on the teachers I had. My lab teacher was amazing. One of the best teachers
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So school started. I knew that I was going to feel like I had been hit with a ton of bricks by the name of school work, but whoa! I am going to need to call on all the special, good-student-critical-thinking skills I have! I love it though. In the right frame of mind. Microorganisms could be seen as little monster's that actually are just watching
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Dang, I always mean to post more often, but I get too busy living life to record it. Or I just need to make more of a habit of putting things down. Maybe its a combination of the two.( Photo Bomb )
So first, let me say that camping is wonderful! Even if I have to endure torrential downpour and severe thunderstorms on the first night. The next day will surely (as this weekend proved) be beautiful and warm