The love of my life has moved on without me. I should have known it would happen - it's really my fault anyway. I'll be okay. I just want her to be happy. There is no way someone like me could have kept up with such an amazing girl anyway. Sasha, I love you and will always love you. I wish you so much happiness
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I'm driving up to sashacohen's right now because I can't stand knowing she's only two hours away and just sitting home talking to her over AIM. So...I'm going. See ya soon, Sash. <3
Well well well, it has been FAR too long - I am a lazy bastard, yes. Sorry to all. Let's see, what is going on in the life of Chris Badano, you ask? Oh tons! Okay, not really
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Okay, so I went to Skate Canada with Sasha because I've been following her around. *laughs* I noticed that life is so much brighter when I'm with her. When I'm not with her, I'm longing to be with her. Am I a loser with no life? Probably
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I met stephanie_k today! It was nice and she is a very sweet girl. Although, I felt a little bad because sometimes I would bring up Sasha and just go on and on. I tried to refrain as much as possible though. ;) Stephanie, good luck with *cough*you know who*cough*, okay? I wish you much luck
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