Work got a little tip from Washington about the prop 8 case. The US Supreme Court will likely refuse certiori, which means that only the individual cases in the individual states will be affected. It's what I expected, so I'm not surprised
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In Costa Rica, a man found a wounded crocodile that had been shot. He took it home, and began to nurse it back to health. He 'Wanted the crocodile to know that someone loved him, and that not all humans were bad
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One of the reasons I get so freaked out when I see Americans devolving into poo-flinging third world monkeys, is I have been to the third world places that have poo-flinging monkeys
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On Tuesday, a majority of Americans told Romney's wealthy sponsors that the White House isn't for sale. This really makes me happy, because I was bracing for the worst. The 1% were spending over a BILLION dollars in an attempt to buy this election, but the public just wasn't selling
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So, I worked the Equestria LA pony con. For the most part it was ok, but strangely, the con didn't sell memberships at the door. There were lots of people trying to show up and buy memberships, only to be told that they couldn't
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Have you ever watched any of the 'Russian car crash' compilations on youtube?
I see what's on the videos, yet I can't make sense of it. Sure there's alcoholism involved, but that can't be all that's going on. Other places have drunks on the road, and yet don't have that level of insanity.
This video got posted to Reddit where this 'video activist' wanted to enter a courtroom in Idaho with his video camera. He was insulting and combative to the guards at the court, and got past their security check area with his camera and managed to get into a court room where he sat down with his camera
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