May 23, 2011 09:57
All of my older LJ entries were written when I was going through a rough patch that compelled me to act weirdly self-abasing at every juncture.
This post exists because I have no urge to manually set upwards of 100 entries to private, nor do I feel like giving money to LJ so that I can change entry status in bulk.
Feb 20, 2006 02:58
THE SPHINX: " gaze that nothing can deflect, passing through objects, remains fixed on an inaccessible horizon."
THE CHIMERA: "As for me, I am light and joyful."
Jan 09, 2006 03:12
<+G> it's really coming along
<+G> one day travis hite is going to be a big name
<+G> it'll be like
<+G> travahvamaghvis hidamihilibaharite