My City, My Friends, Our parties. -Renting out bars; filling them with people we know. Guestlisting.Free bars. 21st's everywhere. Bristol, that cool, classy, affluent dirty city west of London.2006 as it's been pre summer.
My Twenty First ! [sunday 4th Dec,but party on saturday night the 3rd]. Absolute Mayhem. My birthday morning began with me in bed having only been asleep for a few hours, and the Police at the front door talking to my housemates about the previous night. It had been very fucking wild, as i will later discuss.
Nearly made it ! SWORE i wouldn't go out last night. Told people i wouldnt be out. Nobody believed me. Phonecalls came in, i answered " naaaahh mate, i have Marketing group project work to do, ive really got to stay in and do it tonight... have a good one anyway
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