so i hear that the comedian Ron (Tater Salad) White died in a car crash last week. can anyone confirm this with proof? i have searched all over the internet and found nothing. except when you search for ron white in yahoo news it says "try also: ron white death" but shows no stories actually about ron white's death.
i worked from 3:30-1am today- sunday- that sucks- i have a final in the morning too. but alas- i am a pushover- and volunteered to stay the extra time because i need the money.
MOM: Good morning! Actually, I guess, afternoon. I am so sore today that I haven't even gotten started today yet. I painted until 1:00 a.m. and then slept this morning until 10. I am ready to get to work now though. Just thought I'd say "Hi" and see you tomorrow. Love you, Love You, Love You! Your the best daughter ever! Kiss, Kiss! Bye.
i enjoy staying up all night procrastinating a paper that really only took an hour to write but i had about 40 Sims 2 breaks. haha- and lj breaks- i have a conclusion left- what 40 words maybe- 5 minutes- but it is not due until 11 so maybe i will take a nap-- i am so bad.
what is this like now? 8 straight days of torrential downpour? or have i lost count somewhere. my memory loses me. it is very depressing. i haven't seen the sun in so long.
i watched a really awesome movie for GOV extra credit though- "iron jawed angels" it is with hilary swank and is about the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote.