My mom's funeral will be next Wednesday (June 1st), 10am, at Christ the King Church at 85th and Wornall. We'll be having a private burial later that day. If you can make it, that would be wonderful. If you can't, I totally understand.
we just got the call. it's going to be a matter of hours. her whole body is shutting down. luckily, she was lucid this afternoon and we were able to talk to her. please God, please give us the strength to make it through this.
My mom's kidneys stopped working. We talk to Hospice tomorrow because we want to bring her home now. Her doctor told us today that she has but a few days left with us. This was probably the hardest news to take so far.
But, soon my mom will be out of painful misery she's living with. Soon, she'll be at peace.