Worked tonight...the stupid night auditor guy was late....making me work 45 minutes I got outta work at 11:45 tonight. I wanted to die cuz my GM had left at 10:50pm thinking that the night guy would be there in 10 minutes. So i have to deal with all the guests and incoming people by myself for almost an hour, which was hell. So yeah.
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It makes me feel about .2% better to know that I am not the only one being kicked in the ass by life right now. I realize that it probably is all my fault that I am where I am and I am in the situations I am in, but it still sucks. I am forever 2 days behind on homework and I dont think there is any chance of catching up. I have a Sculpture
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I am doing poorly at updating regularly, sorry. But ugh, I'm so tired all the time. I have no energy to even do homework, so forget about updates. lol. But anyway, here I am. I'll give a short rundown of life lately
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I hate disappointment. Do you ever have those days where you are so looking forward to the evening that everything leading up to it is just filler? Well today was a filler day where I did accomplish some things but I was just really looking forward to doing fun things tonight. But then tonight came and plans got changed and then totally squashed
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So here it is..Thursday already. This week has flown by somehow...even though each singular day seemed to last a million years. Hm. I was a bad kid last weekend and chose social life over my educational responsibilities..aka homework. So that caused me to be a day behind and I skipped a class already. But it had to be done..well, sorta. I
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Today at work we had a firedrill....heh. not fun. our job is to stay at the front desk and answer phones by saying "please follow the instructions on the back of your door" to all the guests. And the alarm was obnoxious. So that gave me a grand headache that lasted most of this evening. After work, Brandt picked me up and we went to Cincinnati
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Today was so awesome! The freshmen orientation went really well and i got to be on a student panel for the Q&A session, so it was lots of fun! Then this evening Brandt and I went to go see Princess Diaries 2, which was soooo absolutely fabulous! (even if it is not even the slightest bit like the books!) So thank you Brandt. Although he did
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Its been a while since I updated. Hmm..Well, Sunday morning I worked at the Parent and new student orientation at school, which was fun cuz there are a lot of really hot freshmen. Then I worked Sunday night till 11. Then yesterday I went to yoga. Then today I woke up after one of those really bizaree but real-feeling dreams. Then I met Brandt
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I've been working a lot lately, getting better at the whole front desk multi-tasking. Tomorrow I work in the morning so I'll be dealing with check outs, which will be new since I've only worked evenings so far where people only check-in. Today I picked up my last paycheck from Deals and ran errands with my parents. They give me a headache. I
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