Title: Living Legend
by Musedepandora (see:
Master List of Fanfics)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to various persons and corporations that are not me or associated with me. This piece of fanfiction is written with the admiration and respect for the original work. I claim no ownership of Doctor Who's creations. No profit is made from this
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Comments 84
This is... this is, and I don't mean this in a bad way at all, you understand me, exactly the sort of smut you were going to write, isn't it? That is, written with such a keen eye for what the characters would really be thinking, to raise all the problems and uncertainties and enjoy them as part of why we care about what they're getting up to, and with the patience to follow their actions through, to not get distracted and rush into the shagging in the way the characters wouldn't have done here. All that stretch of build-up is such a treat in smut fic, because it rarely gets done so thoroughly, with so much involvement.
(Also, yail = favourite new non-existent word. And the 'He hates that key!' 'He loves that key!'. And all the other funny bits.)
Holy Shitballs!!!!!!
that was awesome.
now get to writing *my* fic plz? ;)
As to your fic . . . It's certainly on the prompt list. :D
This made me tear up a bit...but because it was so amazing and magical. Actually the use of the word entropy made me ridiculously happy.lol. You write Doctor/River so well and even though I ship/shipped Doctor/Amy first...I think doctor/river is my ship now and forever.
Thank you for writing such wonderfully enchanted stories. <3
Thank you very much for reading and leaving me such kind words. They mean a lot to me.
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