May 29, 2011 20:48
To Charleston or not to Charleston? That is the question.
Sep 08, 2010 19:18
Dear Universe: You speak to me.
You need to project your personality a bit more forcefully today -- so others know just where you stand. It may not be comfortable, but that's okay. Sometimes it's important to say what's right.
May 05, 2010 20:10
Update: I found my iPod!!!!
Sep 27, 2009 22:43
Positivity is key to sanity.
Sep 14, 2009 19:00
What a gray day. I am trying so hard to be positive. But it's difficult.
May 23, 2009 16:29
Anyone want to come with me to St. Augustine tomorrow? I decided since I want to do it, I just should.
May 11, 2009 18:22
It's storming out. I wish I had a couch to cuddle on so that I could read and watch the storm.
Dec 25, 2008 13:17
merry christmas.
meli keliki maka.
feliz navidad.
joyeaux noel.
Sep 13, 2008 20:58
At least through all this, I have found that I am very interested in reading education and have finally decided thats what program I am going for in my Masters Degree. Then I can be a reading specialist....